Monday, May 19, 2014

Instagram inspired Mug..

Instagram has been one of the best and easy way to post and share your picture, adventures and experiences.. It let you post pictures of you and everything in one place so you can share and interact with others.. seeing those wonderful pictures and place it in a mug, inspired by how Instagram looks like makes us think, what better way to preserve your posted photo then place it in a mug..

Instagram inspired "UnoMugs"

We turn those marvelous photos and into a masterpiece, it only needs 33 photos more or less and the rest is place into a simple mug, which turns into a creative craft. Some of our approved layouts before we stick it into the mug..

perfect for birthdays

or for anniversaries..
Prices starts @ 150 for all white mug, 200 for inner color and 250 for magic mug, from black it magically turns your mug into your design..